Pro Bono Week, October 24-30, is an opportunity to share awareness of the value of volunteer work.
You, the SCBA Volunteer Lawyers Program!
We’re celebrating all pro bono work, but especially the work of the Volunteer Lawyers Program:
501(c)(3) civil legal aid nonprofit of the Spokane County Bar Association (SCBA)
– Family Law
– Evictions
– Wills & Estates
– Certain Consumer Law issues
Why Share?
– Celebrate the volunteers who give their time
– Spread awareness of services
What else can I do?
- Donate now to the VLP Holiday Auction – Starting Nov 19th
- Bid during the auction (link pending– put it in your calendar!)
- Tell others about the resources available to them when they are unrepresented in legal matters
- Contact jvc1@spokanebar.org for volunteer events and opportunities.
Facebook: SCBA Volunteer Lawyers Program
Instagram: SCBA_VLP