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Calendar Call Advertising Rate Sheet
Calendar Call – Deadlines

Calendar Call Advertising Rates

Calendar Call is published every other week September through June of each year and once per month in July and August by the Spokane County Bar Association, 1116 West Broadway Avenue, 4th Floor Annex, Spokane, WA 99260-0030.

All editorial material, including comment, appearing herein represents the view of the respective authors and does not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Association or the Board of Trustees. Likewise, the publication of any advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or service offered unless it is specifically stated in the ad that there is such approval or endorsement.


Articles are accepted from SCBA members and nonmembers on topics of interest to SCBA members. Feature articles should be no more than 425 words (one column), unless otherwise approved. Full page articles should be no more than 1,000 words. Articles, notices & news of interest should be submitted as an attached Word or WordPerfect document via e-mail or within an e-mail to . Please do not indent or otherwise format text other than with standard embellishments. Handwritten submissions will be categorically declined and discarded. The editor reserves the right to edit articles as deemed appropriate or decline publication of same.

All members of the SCBA receive Calendar Call. The nonmember subscription rate is $50 a year. To subscribe to Calendar Call, e-mail mwardrop@spokanebar.org.


One “line” is 7″ in length and based on a size 12 Times New Roman font.

  • COMMERCIAL ADVERTISEMENTS – $17.00 per line. Types of commercial ads include ads for business services, commercial properties, sales and lease of properties, nonmember attorneys, etc. All commercial ads must be pre-paid!

  • ATTORNEY EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISEMENTS – $12.00 per line. Types of attorney employment ads include ads placed by attorneys looking for employment or attorneys or firms seeking to hire attorneys or attorney services for their office/firm. Lawyers or law firms placing these ads, must be a member of the SCBA to qualify for this rate. Otherwise the commercial rate applies.

  • LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS – $10.00 per line. Legal advertisements include ads placed by attorneys or law firms seeking to employment non-attorney staff, office sharing or office space available for rent, legal support staff seeking employment, etc. Lawyers or law firms placing these ads, must be a member of the SCBA to qualify for this rate. Otherwise the commercial rate applies.



(3.5″ W X 2.0″ H)
– Member price – $50
– Nonmember price – $75

(3.5″ W X 4.75″ H)
– Member price – $75
– Nonmember price – $100

Landscape layout – 7.5″ W X 4.75″ H
Portrait layout – 3.5” W X 10” H
– Member price – $125
– Nonmember price – $150


One Page
– Member price – $250
– Nonmember price – $275

Two Pages
– Member price – $350
– Nonmember price – $375

*Please e-mail your ad to . Nonmembers and commercial advertisers must have their ad paid by the publication deadline for insertion into the Calendar Call.